Return to Work SA (WorkCover) + Compulsory Third Party (CTP) Claims

If you have suffered an injury as a result of a motor vehicle accident or workplace accident, we can help get you back to feeling great!

What you'll need to provide to us:

  • Your claim number from either CTP or Return to Work.
  • Contact details of your case manager.
  • Details of any other healthcare professionals involved in your care that you'd like us to communicate with.

We currently do not charge above the standard rates covered by both CTP and RTWSA for physiotherapy and exercise physiology, so as long as you can provide us with the necessary details, we will be able to invoice the insurance provider on your behalf, and you will not have not pay anything further.

*Please note, the amount covered for remedial massage services through CTP/RTWSA is substantially below our standard rate, so although we can provide this service, we need to charge for the difference in rates covered. 

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